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  • 現職

    • 學術組教授

    • 風濕過敏免疫科主治醫師

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    • 美國德州醫學中心貝勒醫學院免疫學博士

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    • 國防醫學院醫學系

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    • 長庚紀念醫院風濕過敏免疫學教授

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    • 三軍總醫院風濕過敏免疫科主治醫師

  • 學會與認證

    • Chinese Board of Allergy and Immunology

    • Chinese Board of Rheumatology

    • Chinese Board of Internal Medicine

    • FMGEMS (Foreign Medical Graduate Examination of Medical Science, compatible with VQE, USMLE), USA

    • National Board Qualification for Physicians

  • 論文及期刊發表

    • Lai JH, Yan HC, Kao SJ, Lee SC, Shen CY. Intercostal arteriovenous fistula due to pleural biopsy. Thorax 1990;45:976-8.

    • Tariq SM, McConnochie K, Lai JH, Kao SJ, Lee SC, Shen CY. Intercostal arteriovenous fistula due to pleural biopsy. Thorax 1991;46:400.

    • Bryan RG, Li Y, Lai JH, Van M, Rice NR, Rich RR, Tan TH. Effect of CD28 signal transduction on c-Rel in human peripheral blood T cells. Mol Cell Biol 1994;14:7933-42.

    • Lai JH, Tan TH. CD28 signaling causes a sustained down-regulation of I kappa B alpha which can be prevented by the immunosuppressant rapamycin. J Biol Chem 1994;269:30077-80.

    • Lai JH, Horvath G, Li Y, Tan TH. Mechanisms of enhanced nuclear translocation of the transcription factors c-Rel and NF-kappa B by CD28 costimulation in human T lymphocytes. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995;766:220-3.

    • Lai JH, Horvath G, Subleski J, Bruder J, Ghosh P, Tan TH. RelA is a potent transcriptional activator of the CD28 response element within the interleukin 2 promoter. Mol Cell Biol 1995;15:4260-71.

    • Chang DM, Kuo SY, Lai JH, Chang ML. Effects of anti-rheumatic herbal medicines on cellular adhesion molecules. Ann Rheum Dis 1999;58:366-71.

    • Chang DM, Wang CJ, Kuo SY, Lai JH. Cell surface markers and circulating cytokines in graft versus host disease. Immunol Invest 1999;28:77-86.

    • Ho LJ, Chang DM, Chang ML, Kuo SY, Lai JH*. Mechanism of immunosuppression of the antirheumatic herb TWHf in human T cells. J Rheumatol 1999;26:14-24.

    • Ho LJ, Chang DM, Lee TC, Chang ML, Lai JH*. Plant alkaloid tetrandrine downregulates protein kinase C-dependent signaling pathway in T cells. Eur J Pharmacol 1999;367:389-98.

    • Lai JH*, Ho LJ, Kwan CY, Chang DM, Lee TC. Plant alkaloid tetrandrine and its analog block CD28-costimulated activities of human peripheral blood T cells: potential immunosuppressants in transplantation immunology. Transplantation 1999;68:1383-92.

    • Ho LJ, Chang DM, Shiau HY, Chen CH, Hsieh TY, Hsu YL, Wong CS, Lai JH*. Aspirin differentially regulates endotoxin-induced IL-12 and TNF-alpha production in human dendritic cells. Scand J Rheumatol 2001;30:346-52.

    • Ho LJ, Wang JJ, Shaio MF, Kao CL, Chang DM, Han SW, Lai JH*. Infection of human dendritic cells by dengue virus causes cell maturation and cytokine production. J Immunol 2001;166:1499-506.

    • Lai JH*, Ho LJ, Lu KC, Chang DM, Shaio MF, Han SH. Western and Chinese antirheumatic drug-induced T cell apoptotic DNA damage uses different caspase cascades and is independent of Fas/Fas ligand interaction. J Immunol 2001;166:6914-24.

    • Lai JH*. Immunomodulatory effects and mechanisms of plant alkaloid tetrandrine in autoimmune diseases. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2002;23:1093-101.

    • Chang DM, Wu YL, Chu SJ, Lai JH. Prognostic factors and fetal outcomes of lupus pregnancy in Taiwan. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2003;21:798.

    • Chang WL, Chiu LW, Lai JH, Lin HC. Immunosuppressive flavones and lignans from Bupleurum scorzonerifolium. Phytochemistry 2003;64:1375-9.

    • Cheng SM, Yang SP, Ho LJ, Tsao TP, Chang DM, Lai JH*. Carvedilol modulates in-vitro granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor-induced interleukin-10 production in U937 cells and human monocytes. Immunol Invest 2003;32:43-58.

    • Cheng SM, Yang SP, Ho LJ, Tsao TP, Juan TY, Chang DM, Chang SY, Lai JH*. Down-regulation of c-jun N-terminal kinase-activator protein-1 signaling pathway by Ginkgo biloba extract in human peripheral blood T cells. Biochem Pharmacol 2003;66:679-89.

    • Tsai YG, Chang DM, Kuo SY, Wang WM, Chen YC, Lai JH*. Relationship between human lymphocyte antigen-B27 and clinical features of psoriatic arthritis. J Microbiol Immunol Infect 2003;36:101-4.

    • Tsai YG, Lai JH, Kuo SY, Chen HC, Wan HL, Chang DM. Ruptured renal microaneurysms complicated with a retroperitoneal abscess for a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus 2003;12:317-20.

    • Yang SP, Ho LJ, Lin YL, Cheng SM, Tsao TP, Chang DM, Hsu YL, Shih CY, Juan TY, Lai JH*. Carvedilol, a new antioxidative beta-blocker, blocks in vitro human peripheral blood T cell activation by downregulating NF-kappaB activity. Cardiovasc Res 2003;59:776-87.

    • Chang DM, Chang SY, Yeh MK, Lai JH. The pharmacokinetics of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in Chinese subjects with rheumatoid arthritis. Pharmacol Res 2004;50:371-6.

    • Chang DM, Chu SJ, Chen HC, Kuo SY, Lai JH. Dehydroepiandrosterone suppresses interleukin 10 synthesis in women with systemic lupus erythematosus. Ann Rheum Dis 2004;63:1623-6.

    • Chang DM, Shyue SK, Liu SH, Chen YT, Yeh CY, Lai JH, Lee HS, Chen A. Dual biological functions of an interleukin-1 receptor antagonist-interleukin-10 fusion protein and its suppressive effects on joint inflammation. Immunology 2004;112:643-50.

    • Chen HC, Kao WY, Chang DM, Gao HW, Lai WY, Lai JH*. Neutrophilic panniculitis with myelodysplastic syndromes presenting as pustulosis: case report and review of the literature. Am J Hematol 2004;76:61-5.

    • Chen HC, Lai JH, Juan CJ, Kuo SY, Chen CH, Chang DM. Longitudinal myelitis as an initial manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus. Am J Med Sci 2004;327:105-8.

    • Chen HC, Shih CM, Lai JH, Chao LL, Kuo SY, Chang DM. Pleural effusion as a manifestation of Lyme disease. J Rheumatol 2004;31:811-3.

    • Cheng SM, Yang SP, Ho LJ, Tsao TP, Chang DM, Lai JH*. Irbesartan inhibits human T-lymphocyte activation through downregulation of activator protein-1. Br J Pharmacol 2004;142:933-42.

    • Ho LJ, Juan TY, Chao P, Wu WL, Chang DM, Chang SY, Lai JH*. Plant alkaloid tetrandrine downregulates IkappaBalpha kinases-IkappaBalpha-NF-kappaB signaling pathway in human peripheral blood T cell. Br J Pharmacol 2004;143:919-27.

    • Ho LJ, Lai JH*. Chinese herbs as immunomodulators and potential disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in autoimmune disorders. Curr Drug Metab 2004;5:181-92.

    • Ho LJ, Shaio MF, Chang DM, Liao CL, Lai JH*. Infection of human dendritic cells by dengue virus activates and primes T cells towards Th0-like phenotype producing both Th1 and Th2 cytokines. Immunol Invest 2004;33:423-37.

    • Wu CC, Lin SH, Chu P, Lai JH, Chang DM, Lin YF. An unrecognized cause of oedema in a patient with lupus nephritis: protein losing enteropathy. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2004;19:2149-50.

    • Yang SP, Ho LJ, Cheng SM, Hsu YL, Tsao TP, Chang DM, Lai JH*. Carvedilol differentially regulates cytokine production from activated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 2004;18:183-8.

    • Chang WL, Wang HY, Shi LS, Lai JH, Lin HC. Immunosuppressive iridoids from the fruits of Gardenia jasminoides. J Nat Prod 2005;68:1683-5.

    • Chen HC, Lai JH, Huang GS, Gao HW, Chen CH, Kuo SY, Chang DM. Systemic lupus erythematosus with simultaneous onset of Kikuchi-Fujimoto's disease complicated with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome: a case report and review of the literature. Rheumatol Int 2005;25:303-6.

    • Ho LJ, Hung LF, Weng CY, Wu WL, Chou P, Lin YL, Chang DM, Tai TY, Lai JH*. Dengue virus type 2 antagonizes IFN-alpha but not IFN-gamma antiviral effect via down-regulating Tyk2-STAT signaling in the human dendritic cell. J Immunol 2005;174:8163-72.

    • Ho LJ, Lin LC, Hung LF, Wang SJ, Lee CH, Chang DM, Lai JH*, Tai TY. Retinoic acid blocks pro-inflammatory cytokine-induced matrix metalloproteinase production by down-regulating JNK-AP-1 signaling in human chondrocytes. Biochem Pharmacol 2005;70:200-8.

    • Hou TY, Chang DM, Gao HW, Chen CH, Chen HC, Lai JH*. Sweet's syndrome as an initial presentation in systemic lupus erythematosus: a case report and review of the literature. Lupus 2005;14:399-402.

    • Lai JH*. Taiwan experience with etanercept in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. J Microbiol Immunol Infect 2005;38:451-4.

    • Tsai YG, Lai JH, Kuo SY, Chen HC, Chang DM. Thymoma and hypogammaglobulinemia (Good's syndrome): a case report. J Microbiol Immunol Infect 2005;38:218-20.

    • Chang DM, Liu SH, Lee HS, Lai JH, Chen CH. Activin A suppresses interleukin-1-induced matrix metalloproteinase 3 secretion in human chondrosarcoma cells. Rheumatol Int 2007;27:1049-55.

    • Hou TY, Chen HC, Chen CH, Chang DM, Liu FC, Lai JH*. Usefulness of human leucocyte antigen-B27 subtypes in predicting ankylosing spondylitis: Taiwan experience. Intern Med J 2007;37:749-52.

    • Liu FC, Chang DM, Lai JH, Lin CK, Chen HC, Hou TY, Kuo SY. Autoimmune hepatitis with raised alpha-fetoprotein level as the presenting symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus: a case report. Rheumatol Int 2007;27:489-91.

    • Liu FC, Chiang SY, Chang DM, Lai JH, Hou TY, Chen CH. Purtscher's-like retinopathy as an initial presentation of adult-onset Still's disease: a case report and review of the literature. Clin Rheumatol 2007;26:1204-6.

    • Liu FL, Chen CH, Chu SJ, Chen JH, Lai JH, Sytwu HK, Chang DM. Interleukin (IL)-23 p19 expression induced by IL-1beta in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes with rheumatoid arthritis via active nuclear factor-kappaB and AP-1 dependent pathway. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2007;46:1266-73.

    • Hung LF, Lai JH, Lin LC, Wang SJ, Hou TY, Chang DM, Liang CC, Ho LJ. Retinoid acid inhibits IL-1-induced iNOS, COX-2 and chemokine production in human chondrocytes. Immunol Invest 2008;37:675-93.

    • Lin KM, Lai JH, Chang CC, Lin CK, Chang DM, Chen CH. Formation of numerous rice bodies: an unusual finding of adult-onset Still's disease. Clin Rheumatol 2008;27 Suppl 2:S55-7.

    • Liou JT, Chen ZY, Ho LJ, Yang SP, Chang DM, Liang CC, Lai JH*. Differential effects of triptolide and tetrandrine on activation of COX-2, NF-kappaB, and AP-1 and virus production in dengue virus-infected human lung cells. Eur J Pharmacol 2008;589:288-98.

    • Liu FC, Chao YC, Hou TY, Chen HC, Shyu RY, Hsieh TY, Chen CH, Chang DM, Lai JH*. Usefulness of anti-CCP antibodies in patients with hepatitis C virus infection with or without arthritis, rheumatoid factor, or cryoglobulinemia. Clin Rheumatol 2008;27:463-7.

    • Tien CH, Huang GS, Chang CC, Chang DM, Lai JH*. Acupuncture-associated Listeria monocytogenes arthritis in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. Joint Bone Spine 2008;75:502-3.

    • Tsao TP, Lai JH, Yang SP, Ho LJ, Liou JT, Cheng CC, Cheng SM. Suppression of tissue necrosis factor-alpha or hydrogen peroxide-activated primary human T lymphocytes by Ginkgo biloba extract through down-regulation of activator protein-1 signal transduction. Phytomedicine 2008;15:170-6.

    • Yang DH, Chang DM, Lai JH, Kuo SY, Ho TY, Lin KM, Chen CH. Etanercept as a rescue agent in patient with adult onset Still's disease complicated with congestive heart failure. Rheumatol Int 2008;29:95-8.

    • Wu WL, Ho LJ, Chang DM, Chen CH, Lai JH*. Triggering of DC migration by dengue virus stimulation of COX-2-dependent signaling cascades in vitro highlights the significance of these cascades beyond inflammation. Eur J Immunol 2009;39:3413-22.

    • Yang DH, Chang DM, Lai JH, Lin FH, Chen CH. Usefulness of erythrocyte-bound C4d as a biomarker to predict disease activity in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2009;48:1083-7.

    • Yang DH, Chang WC, Cheng MF, Lai JH, Chang DM, Chen CH. Peripheral arthritis caused by Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis. J Clin Rheumatol 2009;15:323-4.

    • Cheng CC, Chen YH, Chang WL, Yang SP, Chang DM, Lai JH*, Ho LJ. Phytoestrogen bavachin mediates anti-inflammation targeting Ikappa B kinase-I kappaB alpha-NF-kappaB signaling pathway in chondrocytes in vitro. Eur J Pharmacol 2010;636:181-8.

    • Cheng SM, Chu KM, Lai JH. The modulatory mechanisms of fenofibrate on human primary T cells. Eur J Pharm Sci 2010;40:316-24.

    • Cheng SM, Lai JH, Yang SP, Tsao TP, Ho LJ, Liou JT, Cheng CC. Modulation of human T cells signaling transduction by lovastatin. Int J Cardiol 2010;140:24-33.

    • Hung LF, Huang KY, Yang DH, Chang DM, Lai JH, Ho LJ. Advanced glycation end products induce T cell apoptosis: Involvement of oxidative stress, caspase and the mitochondrial pathway. Mech Ageing Dev 2010;131:682-91.

    • Liu FC, Hung LF, Wu WL, Chang DM, Huang CY, Lai JH*, Ho LJ. Chondroprotective effects and mechanisms of resveratrol in advanced glycation end products-stimulated chondrocytes. Arthritis Res Ther 2010;12:R167.

    • Yang DH, Chang DM, Lai JH, Lin FH, Chen CH. Significantly higher percentage of circulating CD27(high) plasma cells in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with infection than with disease flare-up. Yonsei Med J 2010;51:924-31.

    • Yang DH, Chang DM, Lai JH, Huang GS, Chang WC, Hou TY. Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema following acute intracranial hemorrhage. Rheumatol Int 2011;31:101-4.

    • Lu CC, Chen CH, Yeh SF, Lai JH, Chang DM. A spontaneous intercostal artery hemorrhage in systemic lupus erythematosus. Rheumatol Int 2012;32:829-31.

    • Lu CC, Wang YC, Lai JH, Lee TS, Lin HT, Chang DM. A/H1N1 influenza vaccination in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: safety and immunity. Vaccine 2011;29:444-50.

    • Liu FC, Huang HS, Huang CY, Yang R, Chang DM, Lai JH*, Ho LJ. A Benzamide-Linked Small Molecule HS-Cf Inhibits TNF-alpha-Induced Interferon Regulatory Factor-1 in Porcine Chondrocytes: A Potential Disease-Modifying Drug for Osteoarthritis Therapeutics. J Clin Immunol 2011;31:1131-42.

    • Tsai YT, Chen YH, Chang DM, Chen PC, Lai JH*. Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 signaling pathway is crucial in chemokine production from hepatocytes infected by dengue virus. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2011;236:1156-65.

    • Wu WL, Ho LJ, Chen PC, Tsai YT, Hsu ST, Chang DM, Lai JH*. Immunosuppressive Effects and Mechanisms of Leflunomide in Dengue Virus Infection of Human Dendritic Cells. J Clin Immunol 2011;31: 1065-78.

    • Cheng CC, Yang SP, Lin WS, Ho LJ, Lai JH, Cheng SM, Lin WY. Magnesium lithospermate B mediates anti-inflammation targeting activator protein-1 and nuclear factor-kappa B signaling pathways in human peripheral T lymphocytes. Int Immunopharmacol 2012;13:354-61.

    • Tsai PY, Ka SM, Chang JM, Lai JH, Dai MS, Jheng HL, Kuo MT, Chen P, Chen A. Antroquinonol differentially modulates T cell activity and reduces interleukin-18 production, but enhances Nrf2 activation, in murine accelerated severe lupus nephritis. Arthritis Rheum 2012;64:232-42.

    • Lin CS, Lin FY, Ho LJ, Tsai CS, Cheng SM, Wu WL, Huang CY, Lian CH, Yang SP, Lai JH*. PKCdelta signalling regulates SR-A and CD36 expression and foam cell formation. Cardiovasc Res 2012;95:346-55.

    • Hsu YL, Shi SF, Wu WL, Ho LJ, Lai JH*. Protective roles of interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 3 (IFIT3) in dengue virus infection of human lung epithelial cells. PLoS One 2013;8:e79518.

    • Ho LJ, Hung LF, Liu FC, Hou TY, Lin LC, Huang CY, Lai JH*. Ginkgo biloba Extract Individually Inhibits JNK Activation and Induces c-Jun Degradation in Human Chondrocytes: Potential Therapeutics for Osteoarthritis. PLoS One 2013;8:e82033.

    • Ho LJ, Chang WL, Chen A, Chao P, Lai JH*. Differential immunomodulatory effects by Tripterygium wilfordii Hook f-derived refined extract PG27 and its purified component PG490 (triptolide) in human peripheral blood T cells: potential therapeutics for arthritis and possible mechanisms explaining in part Chinese herbal theory "Junn-Chenn-Zuou-SS". J Transl Med 2013;11:294.

    • Fan HC, Fernandez-Hernando C, Lai JH*. Protein kinase C isoforms in atherosclerosis: Pro- or anti-inflammatory? Biochem Pharmacol 2014;88:139-49.

    • Liou JT, Huang HS, Chiang ML, Lin CS, Yang SP, Ho LJ, Lai JH*. A salicylate-based small molecule HS-Cm exhibits immunomodulatory effects and inhibits dipeptidyl peptidase-IV activity in human T cells. Eur J Pharmacol 2014;726:124-32.

    • Yang DH, Ho LJ, Lai JH*. Useful biomarkers for assessment of hepatitis C virus infection-associated autoimmune disorders. World J Gastroenterol 2014;20:2962-70.

    • Cheng SM, Lin WH, Lin CS, Ho LJ, Tsai TN, Wu CH, Lai JH, Yang SP. Modulation of both activator protein-1 and nuclear factor-kappa B signal transduction of human T cells by amiodarone. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2015;240:99-108.

    • Ho LJ, Lai JH*. Small-molecule inhibitors for autoimmune arthritis: success, failure and the future. Eur J Pharmacol 2015;747:200-5. 

    • Hsu YL, Wang MY, Ho LJ, Huang CY, and Lai JH*. Up-regulation of galectin-9 induces cell migration in human dendritic cells infected with dengue virus. J Cell Mol Med 2015;19:1065-76.

    • Ho LJ, Luo SF, and Lai JH*. Biological effects of interleukin-6: Clinical applications in autoimmune diseases and cancers. Biochem Pharmacol 2015;97:16-26. 

    • Hsu YL, Wang MY, Ho LJ, and Lai JH*. Dengue virus infection induces interferon-lambda1 to facilitate cell migration. Sci Rep 2016;6:24530. doi: 10.1038/srep24530. 

    • Lin CS, Liu PY, Lian CH, Lin CH, Lai JH, Ho LJ, et al. Gentiana scabra Reduces SR-A Expression and Oxidized-LDL Uptake in Human Macrophages. Acta Cardiol Sin 2016;32:460-6. 

    • Lee CC, Lo Y, Ho LJ, Lai JH, Lien SB, Lin LC, et al. A New Application of Parallel Synthesis Strategy for Discovery of Amide-Linked Small Molecules as Potent Chondroprotective Agents in TNF-alpha-Stimulated Chondrocytes. PLoS One 2016;11:e0149317. 

    • Yu KH, Lai JH, Hsu PN, Chen DY, Chen CJ, Lin HY. Safety and efficacy of oral febuxostat for treatment of HLA-B*5801-negative gout: a randomized, open-label, multicentre, allopurinol-controlled study. Scand J Rheumatol 2016;45:304-11.

    • Lai JH*, Lin YL, and Hsieh SL. Pharmacological intervention for dengue virus infection. Biochem Pharmacol 2017;129:14-25.

    • Chen SJ, Kao YH, Jing L, Chuang YP, Wu WL, Liu ST, Huang SM, Lai JH, Ho LJ, Tsai MC, and Lin CS. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate Reduces Scavenger Receptor A Expression and Foam Cell Formation in Human Macrophages. J Agric Food Chem 2017;65:3141-3150.

    • Lai JH, Luo SF, Hung LF, Huang CY, Lien SB, Lin LC, et al. Physiological concentrations of soluble uric acid are chondroprotective and anti-inflammatory. Sci Rep 2017;7:2359.

    • Liou JT, Lin CS, Liao YC, Ho LJ, Yang SP, Lai JH*. JNK/AP-1 activation contributes to tetrandrine resistance in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2017;38:1171-1183. 

    • Lai JH*, Luo SF, Wang MY, Ho LJ. Translational Implication of Galectin-9 in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Viral Infection. Int J Mol Sci 2017;18:

    • Fang YF, Chen YF, Chung TT, See LC, Yu KH, Luo SF, Kuo CF, Lai JH*. Hydroxychloroquine and risk of cancer in patients with primary Sjogren syndrome: propensity score matched landmark analysis. Oncotarget 2017;8:80461-80471.

    • Lai JH, Luo SF, Ho LJ. Operation of mitochondrial machinery in viral infection-induced immune responses. Biochem Pharmacol 2018;156:348-356.

    • Lai JH, Wang MY, Huang CY, Wu CH, Hung LF, Yang CY, et al. Infection with the dengue RNA virus activates TLR9 signaling in human dendritic cells. EMBO Rep 2018;19: e46182.

    • Liu FC, Lu JW, Chien CY, Huang HS, Lee CC, Lien SB, et al. Arthroprotective Effects of Cf-02 Sharing Structural Similarity with Quercetin. Int J Mol Sci 2018;19:

    • Chen LW, Liu FC, Hung LF, Huang CY, Lien SB, Lin LC, et al. Chondroprotective Effects and Mechanisms of Dextromethorphan: Repurposing Antitussive Medication for Osteoarthritis Treatment. Int J Mol Sci 2018;19:

    • Lai, J.H.*, Ling, X.C., and Ho, L.J.* “Useful message in choosing optimal biological agents for patients with autoimmune arthritis” Biochem Pharmacol, 2019,165, 99-111.

    • Chen LW, Lin CS, Tsai MC, Shih SF, Lim ZW, Chen SJ, et al. Pitavastatin Exerts Potent Anti-Inflammatory and Immunomodulatory Effects via the Suppression of AP-1 Signal Transduction in Human T Cells. Int J Mol Sci 2019;20:

    • Lai JH*, Luo SF, Ho LJ. Targeting the CD40-CD154 Signaling Pathway for Treatment of Autoimmune Arthritis. Cells 2019;8:

    • Ho YJ, Lu JW, Ho LJ, Lai JH, Huang HS, Lee CC, et al. Anti-inflammatory and anti-osteoarthritis effects of Cm-02 and Ck-02. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2019;517:155-163.

    • Hsu WH, Hua KF, Tuan LH, Tsai YL, Chu LJ, Lee YC, et al. Compound K inhibits priming and mitochondria-associated activating signals of NLRP3 inflammasome in renal tubulointerstitial lesions. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2020;35:74-85.

    • Liou LB, Fang YF, Tan CF, Lai JH, Jang SS, Tsai PH, et al. A new laboratory surrogate (Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1) for Disease Activity Score28: a favourable indicator for remission in rheumatoid arthritis. Sci Rep 2020;10:8238.

    • Luo SF, Chin CY, Ho LJ, Tseng WY, Kuo CF, Lai JH*. Monosodium urate crystals induced ICAM-1 expression and cell-cell adhesion in renal mesangial cells: Implications for the pathogenesis of gouty nephropathy. J Microbiol Immunol Infect 2020;53:23-32.

    • Chyuan IT, Lai JH*. New insights into the IL-12 and IL-23: From a molecular basis to clinical application in immune-mediated inflammation and cancers. Biochem Pharmacol 2020;175:113928.

    • Wu CY, Yang HY, Lai JH*. Anti-Citrullinated Protein Antibodies in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Biological Effects and Mechanisms of Immunopathogenesis. Int J Mol Sci 2020;21: 

    • Lai B, Wu CH, Lai JH*. Activation of c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase, a Potential Therapeutic Target in Autoimmune Arthritis. Cells 2020;9:

    • Huang, S.C., Kao, Y.H., Shih, S.F., Tsai, M.C., Lin, C.S., Chen, L.W., Chuang, Y.P., Tsui, P.F., Ho, L.J., Lai, J.H., et al. (2021). Epigallocatechin-3-gallate exhibits immunomodulatory effects in human primary T cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 550, 70-76.

    • Wu, C.Y., Yang, H.Y., Luo, S.F., and Lai, J.H. (2021). From Rheumatoid Factor to Anti-Citrullinated Protein Antibodies and Anti-Carbamylated Protein Antibodies for Diagnosis and Prognosis Prediction in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Int J Mol Sci 22.

    • Lai, J.H., Hung, L.F., Huang, C.Y., Wu, D.W., Wu, C.H., and Ho, L.J. (2021). Mitochondrial protein CMPK2 regulates IFN alpha-enhanced foam cell formation, potentially contributing to premature atherosclerosis in SLE. Arthritis Res Ther 23, 120. (in press)

    • Lai JH, Wu DW, Wu CH, Hung LF, Huang CY, Ka SM, Chen A, Chang ZF, Ho LJ. Mitochondrial protein CMPK2 mediates immunomodulatory and antiviral activities through IFN-dependent and IFN-independent pathways. iScience 2021 (in press)

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